Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Landscape Photos!

Okay so I am a little behind on blogging about my photography class. As usual I'm always behind when it comes to blogging. Anyways I love, love, love, love this class. It is by far the best class I have taken in college. My teacher is great, and I am learning so much about both my new camera and adobe photoshop. Our first assignment was random photos, which I posted on a previous blog, and our next assignment was landscapes. So here are a few landscape shots that I took....

An old store by my house.

A view from my mom's front steps.
The view off from my mom's yard.

A set of office building (or something) across the street from my hairdresser's shop.

Out of the hundreds of shots that I took, these are some of my favorites. Feel free to critique me on any of my shots, because that's how I am going to become a better photographer. All of these shots were shot back in August.
Other Stuff: This week I have to do documentary photography on the election.... I don't have much time to do it, and I don't have a car, so I'm not sure how much I am going to get done!
Liam has 4 teeth now, and for the first time ever, he slept through the night last night!!!!!!
I am doing a "group project" for my Public Speaking Class. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate group projects? They are the suckiest of the sucky. See, I am an overachiever. I like A's. Some might find that strange, BUT I've always been a little geeky like that. When I get stuck in group projects, I end up doing all the work. Why? Because people don't want to put the effort into getting anything done. I end up doing all the work, so that I can ensure that I get an A. So if there are any teachers reading this, quit with the group projects already. If a project is important to you, make it a choice between a group or an individual. That way I don't have to work twice as hard being the "responsible" one.
Okay, I think that's all for now!


  1. Great photos sorry I'm not one to critique since I'm not that knowledgeable in photography. I think all the ones here are fabulous!

    Great news about Liam.

    Group projects probably are to ensure that you learn how to work together. Not saying that they're not sucky just saying what it might be.

  2. I think the photos look fab. You must live in such a pretty area to get such great shots right by your house.

  3. Love your photos. My dh hates those stupid group projects too. He has a job, he works with others, just give him the stupid assignment already!! Like you, he always ends up being the one making sure it all gets done!!

  4. I like the last one. I wish I had time to go back and take a photography class.. Enjoy it!
