Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Our latest Blogging Challenge is to blog about decisions made that turned out well. This may sound wierd, but I think that every decision I have ever made turned out well. Maybe they didn't seem like blessings, but they have lead me to this point in my life and right here is exactly where I want to be.

There have been a few stand out decisions.

My decision to join the US Army after high school. It was a great decision. I enjoyed my time in the service, and I am proud of all the things that I did. I feel cool when I think of all the great things I got to do. Driving big vehicles, shooting big guns, camping with few necessities, 12 mile ruck marches, 6 mile runs, travelling to Korea, meeting new people, working in communication security and in satellite operations, the list just goes on and on. I made some great friends and experienced really cool things. I have confidence in my toughness, because of it. I got money for college (that will soon run out, lol). I am a firm believer in the fact that I think people should do military service. It will enable them to grow up, and it will make them more proud of the country that they serve.

My decision to go back to school. This was a hard one for me. I don't really like change, and it was hard to actually get my foot in the door. But I am there, and I am glad for it. I will have completed an Associate in Science degree this spring, and I am going on to two years in medical laboratory technology. Fun stuff.

My decision to move back to western north carolina. I don't think I would have met my sweet, sweet hubby and where would I be without this wonderful man?

My decision to have my son. I know this sounds wierd. And I am not talking about having a child versus abortion or any other deep subject. I am talking about the decision I made when I found out I was pregnant. He was a surprise, but I decided that I would have this wonderful baby and that I would be the best mother that I could possibly be. I think that I have done a really good job so far, and because I made these choices I don't see my child as a sacrifice, or something like that. I see too many people decide to have children, but never make the decision to be a great parent. They just had their kids and pawn them off on others or ignore them completely. Which, when a person makes a decision to not have kids (like one of my friends at work), I think that others should mind their own business. If a person is mature enough to realize that they are too selfish a person or that they do not want to be responsible for another human being in that way, kudos to them. At least they figured it out before they started making babies. Instead of later.

My decision to be in it for the long haul with my sweetie. It's hard to explain, because technically Trey and I aren't married. It's not that we don't want to be married, but we don't have the money to have the wedding we (I) want, so we are holding off. Regardless of the legal documentation, we are both in this relationship for the long haul. We've been together four years now, and our relationship is still as great as ever. We have made our vows to each other, and I am glad that I have someone to spend the rest of my life with. Not only that, but I have a great someone. He is a good father, a moral and ethical guy, smart, kind, sweet, gentle, loving, funny, a good cook, and he cleans house. Seriously I am a spoiled baby, lol.

I think those are most of the more important decisions I have made thus far.


  1. Definitely some great decisions made. I too think it's important and have been letting my sons make age appropriate decisions for awhile so that they learn what the consequences may be. Unfortunately others make too many decisions for their children and those kids turn out to be very needy adults.

  2. Sounds like you are on the right track with your life and that is wonderful you deserve it. I totally agree with you about the child thing...too many people decide to have a child but not be a parent and there is so much more to the decision than just getting pregnant.

  3. Sounds like you've made some awesome decisions, Margy! I agree with Tali...I know lots of people from Girl Scouts who have kids but aren't parents. They just have kids to have them and then pawn them off on sitters or dance teachers or karate instructors or us Girl Scouts leaders to get away from them.

  4. Great Decisions you've made in your life and I totally agree with you on the children part-being a parent at times is a hard job but I wouldn't trade it for Anything in the world cause even the hard parts make it so worth while. It is people like you that serve our country that I truly admire and look up to.

  5. Wow I never knew you were in the army, sounds like you had an amazing time.

    We're all good, same as you life is very hectic. Sometimes i talk to my mom and she says where have you been I never get you and I don't actually even know what i've done, life is just busy.

  6. Kepp up the good work.You are doing a really good work
