Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Catching Up
He is officially six months old, and he is so sick today. It's been miserable for us all. At about 5 this morning I woke up and he was feeling warm, next to me. I woke Trey up and he told me he was probably just hot from my body heat, so we all just went back to sleep. At about 9 a.m. I woke up to get him out of his crib, and feed him, and this time he was burning up. I took his temperature and it was 101.9. So I freaked, I called Trey and told him to come home so we could go to the emergency room. I then called my doctor who told me I could come in at 10:15. After we hung up I started crying, because I knew I should have gotten up when he felt warm, and taken him to the ER. I started thinking about meningitis, and all kinds of things of that nature. I'm a little neurotic, if you haven't guessed by now.
We get to the doctor, and my child is not deathly ill. He has a slight cold, sore throat, and a fever. He's also teething. He has already gotten his 2 bottom teeth, and it wasn't as traumatic as I heard, but this time was different. We have pretty much spent all day rocking him, holding him, and trying to get him to sleep (he's so tired). He is finally asleep, and I am typing this as fast as I can (just in case he wakes up)!
Well that was the first time I had to deal with a sick kid as a mommy, and it sucked! Thanks to all you mommies out there!
(Sorry for all the grammatical errors, in a rush!)
Monday, August 11, 2008
My ScrapRoom Is Finished (well until I decide to change it around some more).
To my left there is a white shelf which I put these blue and green fabric thingies that I found at Walmart. In here I've got big things that won't fit in a drawer... my punches, my acrylic stamps, and my 8 X 8 paper. On the top of the shelf I have a box for large photos, some flowers, and my sewing machine (that I never used, because I don't know what the hell I'm doing!) When I get the money I want to replace this with a Baker's rack, that I can do my stand up cutting with my making memories trimmer and my sizzix.
To my right there is a big gorgeous window that has a little ledge. It is not organized as nicely as I would like it to be, but it will do for now. On it I have this really cool wooden thing that displays my ridiculous collection of flowers. Next to that are my boxes of photos organized by date. Beside them are some scrapbooking books and the Creating Keepsakes Fun With Photos Memories and More Binders. I think I want to get rid of those, but I have no idea. Below the window are 3 white sterilite tubs that I got at walmart, these are full of my cardstock, patterned paper, and kits. I like to be able to thumb through my supply so this worked best for me!
To the right of my desk is a file cabinet with my HP printer/scanner on top. To the right of that is another set of 12 X 12 Sterilite drawers that house tools I don't use often, felt, foam, rubber stamps, and little things like that.
Next to the window I have a panel of black pegboard (found at Walmart), on this pegboard I have all of my stickers and packaged things. Trey calls this the wall of shame. LOL.
This is the right side of my desk. I use the pegboard to hold some tools, and the items for my current project. I just got the making memories carousel (did not realize how big that bad boy is), but I love it. I keep a basket on my desk for all my pens, my zig writers, and there's a glass cutting mat. There is also a place for me to set my laptop, so I can hook it to the printer or the pazzles.
The left side of my desk holds this shelf thingie I got at AC Moore for like $30. It's kind of like the one Making Memories has, only cheaper LOL. In front of it, most of the left side of the desk is taken by my Pazzles Inspiration! I love this little piece of machinery, even if I don't plug it up and use it as much as I should!
There you have it! It is all nice and neat, and probably will never look like this again. Thank you for reading my blog, and checking out the scraproom I worked so hard on!
Friday, August 1, 2008
School's Out For Summer!
I took 2 finals today. I am really praying that I did well on my Pre-Calc. final, because I need a A! See we took 3 regular tests, and a final. If we averaged an A on the regular tests, we didn't have to take the final. Unfortunately, I got my worst grade ever on the 2nd test. I made..... a 66! I actually am going to keep this grade and scrapbook about it. It'll be therapeutic for me! I was proud of myself, I didn't cry, I didn't yell, I just took it calmly from my teacher, and said, "well if I turn it upside down it's a 99!" I actually knew I wasn't going to do well on this test, I missed a class (didn't have a babysitter), and that really screws me up when it comes to math. Because it's summer session our classes only go for 8 weeks, so our instructor has to cram a full semester into a short session. It's doable, but if you miss one class, you miss like a full week of classes. I did make A's on both of my other tests. If I make an A on the final, I will make an A for the course.
I think being a mother is changing me. Six months ago I would have cried all night over that grade. I've been known to cry over B's, I know it's a little neurotic, but school is the only thing I've ever been really good at. Now that I have a child, I would rather play with him than do my homework. It's bad I know, but having a 4.0 GPA isn't the most important thing in this world. I am finally learning that.
We're moving mom tomorrow, wait no we're moving mom in 3 hours. She's doing okay. There are good days and bad days. I am just happy that we are getting her out of that house, and on with her life. It can only get better!
I just got my car out of the shop. It cost $1000 bucks to fix... grrrr. With my fall tuition due, I honestly have no idea what I am going to do. We'll figure it out, we always manage to get by, somehow! Thank goodness for Ramen! We've been borrowing a car that belongs to a friend of mine at work. It's like a 80-something Mercedes station wagon. It's got 190,000 miles on it, and I think we are going to buy it from her. She wants $1600 for it, and it's a really good deal. It's a little on the old side, but it's a big car (we have a 2-door sporty little car), and we really need a 2nd car. We've mostly been borrowing my MIL's car when we need two, but I am really tired of being dependent on everyone, and I really hate having to borrow everybody else's cars.
On to Liam. Man this boy is growing like crazy! He is so funny. He'll cry, and when one of us goes to pick him up, he'll get this smirk on his face. What a spoiled little monkey! He is also greedy! I will pick up his pacifier, or one of his toys and start playing with it or biting on it, and he'll grab it away from me. Sometimes he'll play with it, sometimes he'll just throw it down beside him. I don't know what this child is going to do when he has siblings. He's also moving like crazy, at first he was just rolling to get where he wanted to go. Now, he's almost crawling. He pushes off with his little feet, and scoots all over the place on his stomach. It is crazy to watch him move across the floor!!!! He's only 5 months old, and he just seems to be growing way too fast for me. Pretty soon, girls will be yucky, and he won't want to have anything to do with his mama. *sigh* He's a really happy baby, he just laughs and smiles when you look at him. He does love his attention though. In the mornings he is great, and I can pick up or do something and he is content to lay on the ground while I talk to him. Later during the day though, he wants me or his dad to lay beside him and play. We don't mind.
Okay, I really need to go sleep for a couple hours, or should I just stay up, and catch up on reading blogs. I have two weeks off before school begins, so I will catch up on my blogging, and I want to scrap like crazy! Oh yeah, after finals week for both of us, my house really needs to be cleaned.