Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Most Embarrassing Moment.

I did a layout today for NSD (national scrapbook day) that kind of hit a rather embarrassing moment in my life. I'm just gonna share the LO with you, and post the journaling!

So here' s the journaling!

So last Thursday an incident occurred that brought up some old memories. Liam and I were hanging out around the house when I noticed this guy flying in our hallway. I grabbed liam, the cell phone, and headed to the bathroom. We waited there until trey got home and killed the yellow jacket.

I am sure that many would think that this was an overreaction, but for me it’s just a defense mechanism against a vicious insect that has tried to take me out before. It all happened back in 2000. I was stationed in south korea we were out on a field exercise, and I had gone to someone else’s shelter to help set it up. I was pounding a ground rod (a six foot metal rod), when I hit a wasp nest with the sledge hammer. It was pure, utter hell. They attacked, as I stripped and ran to the hospital (about a mile away). When I got to the hospital, I was almost completely naked and had no idea where any of my army gear was. I had over twenty bites on my body and face. The worst bites were the ones on my face (two on my lips, two on my cheek). They watched me for an allergic reaction, and sent me home. To add insult to injury, the doctor handed me pain medication and told me to take it every four to eight hours for pain. I was so traumatized that I thought he said every forty-eight hours. So for two days, I was in miserable pain. Going into combat against wasps is something that I hope I never have to do again. I keep thinking that I’ll eventually get over my fear of stinging insects. Maybe, but maybe not!

Blog Update!

So once again I haven't been the greatest blogger, I have been scrapping like crazy! So here's some of my latest layouts with details!
So here's the background on my latest los. I am part of Project 365. Which is basically to take a photo a day, for every day of the year and then scrap them, by the week. I started out with that intention, and then changed my mind. First, because it's hard for me to scrap every week. Second, I couldn't figure out how I would get 52 layouts (52 weeks) into one album, and I wanted to only have one album for this project. So I changed my mind and decided to do one double page lo per month. On one side, I have my pictures, the other has my journaling. The pictures are all contact size, but they aren't that hard to see in real life.
Here's the first one!
Here are the highlights from January: we started back to school, Trey started back to work, we had a couple big snows, we had a lot of family time and went to Asheville a lot, the casino laid off 84 people, I rearranged my scrap room, we got XM radio, and I got stuck on the highway for an hour, while waiting for someone to come salt the road. I had pulled off because I was sliding all over the place and my little car couldn't handle it. While I sat there, I got to watch two 18wheelers get stuck, and slide into each other. I got to watch countless other cars slide into the guard rails, and I was just happy I decided to wait!
In February: I spent a lot of time walking Lake Junaluska with my friend Erin. I applied for Radiography, changed my mind and then applied for Medical Lab Technician. I got accepted into both. I took the HOAE and scored a 24/25. I spent a lot of time in observation at area hospitals. Liam turned one year old! I got my new crackberry. Liam learns how to wave bye, bye, and he can understand what I'm saying (I think), but he still doesn't want to walk. I took Liam's birthday weekend off, and we had a whole weekend of family time! Liam was pretty sick at the end of February.

March 2009: Stephanie's baby shower, more time at Lake Junaluska, a trip to Charlotte to visit South 21, Kathy's Birthday, I dissected an earthworm, I worked a lot of hours at work, we got a WII fit, I fell in love with twilight and read the series twice, I locked my keys in the car, had ot do yearly training at the casino, and we had a BBQ at a friend's house.

Now on to my award. Sweet Ashely gave me this award, you can see her blog at:

I believe that I am to pass this blog award on to 4 different people, so here goes:

Carmen @

Kim @

Janet @

Klo @